Your clearest explanation of the New Economy yet – plus how it connects to wellbeing and Extinction Rebellion [Blog]

In short – a blog piece written during the Summer of 2019 about the new economy and well-being. Although Miles didn’t come up with the title above – it does position the content clearly.

In slightly longer – in July 2019, Miles attended the inaugural Stir to Action festival, titled “Playground for the New Economy”. The blog sets out to explain what the New Economy is and how it links to ideas of:

  • Different ways of working such as co-operatives and municipal enterprises.
  • Community Wealth Building – and classic UK examples of this like the Preston Model.
  • Environmental concerns related to our climate and ecological emergency, and organisations such as Transition Networks and Extinction Rebellion working in this area – as well as ideas such as the Green New Deal.
  • Land and housing issues – and how land ownership feeds into our housing crisis.
  • The blog also talks about wellbeing and the structural and contextual issues sometimes forgotten by psychology that relate to health and happiness.

Finally, the blog makes an appeal to build on Community Wealth Building with a renewed focus on psychology and wellbeing by launching a “Community Health Building” network.

Click here to read more.