A qualitative analysis of patient-identified adaptive behaviour changes following interdisciplinary Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for chronic pain

Title:A qualitative analysis of patient-identified adaptive behaviour changes following interdisciplinary Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for chronic pain
Author(s):Miles Thompson, Kevin E. Vowles, Gail Sowden, Julie Ashworth, Jayne Levell
Outlet:European Journal of Pain
Abstract Summary:Interdisciplinary treatment programmes for chronic pain have strong evidence of treatment effect both immediately after treatment and at follow-up. However, despite strong outcome evidence, it is less clear which specific changes in behaviour are most relevant to patients or to outcomes. Indeed, it is not unknown for clinicians and patients to have different views with regard to goals of treatment. This study sought to evaluate the patients’ perspective regarding important behavioural changes that occurred while they were enrolled in a 4-week interdisciplinary programme of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for chronic pain.
Reference:Thompson, M., Vowles, K. E., Sowden, G., Ashworth, J. and Levell, J. (2018) A qualitative analysis of patient-identified adaptive behaviour changes following interdisciplinary acceptance and commitment therapy for chronic pain. European Journal of Pain. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ejp.1184
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